Multimedia - Bugs Abound!
Bugs Abound!
Bugs Abound!

Bugs Abound!

This season, if insects become a nuisance despite your best efforts to contain the problem, you've come to the right place. Chase Products started as an insecticide company, and for 85 years Chase has continued to offer insecticides to address almost all types of insect problems.

If you need to resolve a residential issue, check out our Kill Zone® insecticides. Otherwise, if your personal space is being breached by bugs, our Chase-MM® products are designed to repel insects. We can help fight the most common seasonal insect dilemmas and repel backyard or deep woods pests.

For professional insecticide needs, we also have a full range of products available in our Champion Sprayon® and ProsALL® lines.

As always, use insecticides responsibly. Make sure you read and follow all label instructions and remember to air out the area after a pesticide is applied indoors.

For more information about pesticides and pesticide safety, go to the EPA website (

For more information about these products, including a way to purchase them, check out these links:
All Insecticide Products
Kill Zone® and Chase-MM® information
Multi-Purpose Insect and Lice Killer

- Chase Products Co.